Hello world, and welcome to a website all about me!

Hey look, it's me!

If you don't know who I am, I'm Phil. A British Luxembourger who makes websites and decided to spend a while updating his website yet again into what you see before you. It's still running PHP and a Database behind the scenes, it just has a facelift. Shiny!

British Luxembourger? That's a weird combination. But since leaving England in 2008 I've now been here in Luxembourg for 16 years - making my way up to Senior Front End Developer, with a bit of Lead Developer, Support Desk Lead, and Business Analyst thrown in at various stages, and to various degrees, here and there. At some point in amongst that, I've got myself the shiny EU Nationality that allows me to continue here without having to worry about any side effects of "the vote that shan't be named".

This website started as a way to track which rums I had tasted, and enjoyed. It since developed into keeping track of board games I own. All so that me and like-minded friends can work out what to play, and what rum it pairs with! I then added a simple PDF of my CV, but as things changed and my roles and tasks were changing, it got too much to constantly rewrite a PDF - so that's when my "interactive" (aka, easily editable) CV appeared on my site.

Other things have come and gone. Some things are still hidden and some haven't even started - a fine example of the good old "I'll do it tomorrow" list of projects that every developer has at some point before they accept the reality that it will never happen. Maybe that's what my Showcase section will eventually become?

What's new?

12 Days Of Christmas
12 Days Of Christmas Using your cards, build the sequence from "A Partridge In A Pear Tree* all the way up to "Twelve Lords A-Leaping"
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Jenga! Build a perfectly balanced tower before it all comes crashing down
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Uno: Flip
Uno: Flip Double sided Uno cards that flip the game on its head. Get close to finishing and then bam! The cards change and you're stuck. Or not?
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A Little Wordy
A Little Wordy Take some tiles, make a word. Use power ups to guess what your opponent's word is as quickly as possible.
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